Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Easy Programming Skills

This blog is to educate the visitors on "Computer Programming". I recommend you to read this once before you start learning any programming language...

Friends, this may not be the Bible of programming.. but I have given my best of knowledge, experience and understanding about programming which you may not get anywhere else!!

Now, Every single person who has learnt programming languages has a different opinion on what is programming..

If at all you find anything wrong or inappropriate, you are welcome to correct me.. :-)

I strongly believe that it makes sense if you first know what is programming before learning any programming language..

Only then you go through text-books or tutorials or certification..

Lets Start.....

First of all, I don't like to read or write lot of THEORY!!I hate TEXT!!! specially when they are LENGTHY!! that's why I have put the sentences

as short as possible instead of dragging each point.

Read every point carefully even though they appear like they are repeating...Trust me, Each of them are different..

For effective knowledge and Information, Read the complete blog and follow me to get future updates.

Thats it.. We are about begin...

To start with,let me tell you about MYTHS/ Mis-understanding about "Programming" .

If you have any of the below feeling, You are putting yourself away from being am effective programmer and

learning the REAL-Programming.

  1. Programming is meant for only those who are from "Technical Background"
  2. Programming is meant for only Computer-Science students.
  3. Programming needs Lot of intelligence and dedication!
  4. Programming is time Consuming and Volatile.
  5. Programming is Difficult!
  6. Only few people can do Programming not everyone... at least not ME!!
  7. It requires lot of understanding about Computer and Soft wares.
  8. I am in a different field. I have no use of programming!
  9. Programming is too easy and its just a piece of cake!
  10. Programming is just a waste of time since I can't achieve anything out of it!
  11. Most of the programming codes are available in "ready-made" form from Google or any search engine!!!!!

  OR are you feeling like this????
Facts about Programming
  1.  First of all programming is  FUN!!.. Trust me.. I will tell you how.. 
  2.  You don't have be an engineer or from any technical background to learn it. 
  3.  Its not about complex set of codes, remembering or copy-pasting some blocks of alpha, beta, gamma!. 
  4.  Anyone, I mean... Anyone who knows basic maths and basic English and has some common sense, and can think a little bit logically can Program. 
  5.  Its not time consuming and hard to learn(provided you understand what is it). 
  6.  Everyone can Program no matter what field he/she is working or educated in. 
  7.  Its do not require lot of intelligence and dedication and... bla..bla...blaa.... I'm tired of this!!!!  
  8.  It doesn't require you to have any certification or training. 
  9.  Its not about Designing... Its about fulfilling the need!! 
  10.  Its Simple (once you understand the concept) 

 Before going on to a particular programming language, let me tell you what is Program...

Forget about 'TEXT-BOOK" answers.. Like... "Program is a set of instructions..... blaa blaaa..blaaaaaa......." I am tired of it!!!!  ...

I will explain in very very simple English as I believe that its not LANGUAGE that is important while teaching but Concepts...

"Program" is nothing but a COMMAND that is given to a Machine to make it work according to our wish.

The machine may be a computer, a microprocessor, a Micro controller, or a Robot...

See, Program is a means for us to order the machine to work in accordance with our needs....

There are many ways to tell a computer.. or communicate with a computer.. Just like humans can understand many languages, Signals.. etc...

Those "Many-ways" are nothing but different languages.. Like DOS,Pearl, COBOL, C, C++, Java, HTML,C# . Net, ORACLE, etc.....

Got some idea now???

A small exercise for you folks...

You May Also like reading About:

Try it out..

1) open a notepad. (Short cut -> Win key + R, type notepad.)

2) Copy paste these commands as it is..

@echo off 
echo Hello, Friend..... :-)  > firstprogram.txt

3) Save the file as  " test.bat "  (careful about the .bat extension.its not test.bat.txt just test.bat, select ALL FILES from drop down menu while saving)

4) Double click the above saved file... Fill in the details..


what did you see?? A new text file named 'firstprogram' is created isnt it? Open it and see the contents.
 Its neither Magic nor a Secret! (I will be updating some more exercises for you in next post).
You can edit a .bat file (an executable dos file) by right clicking on it and selecting EDIT.

  •  If you didn't get the desired output, just download the file... Click below 
Click Me to get the .bat file   (select direct download link and download it)

and just save it and double click it.. Easy isn't it?
The code above doesn't require you to install any special software or language.. Its a DOS command. its present in all Windows machines..

Now, If you Analise closely, without my help, you can get the meaning of the code.. didn't you?

See, that's how a programming works.. The machine has to Understand what you are trying to say..

The only thing you would memorise in any programming language is... Syntax..

Syntax is nothing but the WAY in which you tell your machine about the instructions to be followed.

Every different programming language has its own unique syntax.

Ex: @echo (above exercise) is recognised by DOS.. It is not be recognised by JAVA.. you may have to tell something else for the

same thing to be performed..

Now, where is the Actual working code to be run FIRST??

In your computer?? WRONG!!! its in your own BRAIN!!!

Are you confused at this stage?? Let me make it more clear..

Its simple.. Before telling computer what to do, you must first know what it can understand and how to tell it to the machine..

Computer doesn't have its own intelligence. It does whatever you say it to do.

So, first calculate the code in your mind. How it works? How each line, each word of your program is processed by computer?

Now, its easy to tell this but difficult to do..

Basic Terminologies to know and remember/Refer before learning Programming :
  • Variable: Anything which stores some value. Ex: In x=10, x is variable, 10 is value!
  • Loop : A block of codes or a set of commands which repeats itself again and again until the desired result is obtained.
  • Compile: A process to convert our programming language to a language understandable by the machine.
  • Compiler: A device which Complies!!
  • De-Bug : Bug- means Errors.. Finding out and Correcting the Errors is De-Bug.It may be manual or automated by compiler.
  • Function: A set of codes/Commands linked together to perform a particular function. Known as Block sometimes. Helps in a Program where some operation has to be performed repeatedly.

Most of the people at intermediate state find that.. " I know programming.. But the thing is when it comes to real time
implementation, I really don't know what goes wrong!!

Have you realised what goes wrong??
According to me.. its your attitude about programming that is wrong..
Change it.. and you can make any programming language work like your SLAVE... that's right.. just like a SLAVE...

 In very Simple Word....

Your computer is like a "kid or a Baby".It obeys your matter what you say, provided it understands what you say properly!!

If you tell a kid something like this .." Wolghs apjakkei aljwp apediri!$!#$ ;lkaida" ... What will it do??? it'll probably laugh or be with a BLANK face!!
Same thing happens to your computer too..

The silly mistakes what we make,no matter what programming language are: (please keep these in mind,it may save a lot of time while de-bugging your code)

i) Keywords are mis-spelled. Ex: atuo instead of auto (Compiler shows this most of the time) .

ii) Variables are mis-spelled. Ex: Actual variable = span, Used variable=sapn (Compiler shows this most of the time) .

iii) Logical Errors : Very Dangerous, you won't get required output and Compiler will not show errors!! Simple Example : Instead of 2/5 , you might have put 2\5 !! which has different output!! Or an Infinite, never ending Loop.

 iv) Error in Flow : Most common error. Ex: The variables are not passed from one block to other, Buffer overflows, Loop Mis-counts, etc...

Most of the people at intermediate stae find that.. " I know programming.. But the thing is when it comes to real time implementation, I really don't know what goes wrong!!

Have you ever realised what goes wrong??

According to me.. its your attitude towards programming that is wrong..

Change it.. and you can make any programming language work like your SLAVE... that's right.. just like a SLAVE...

What I mean here is.. If you know what every word of your Code does, you will surely succeed in implementing what you want..

If you are starting or Planning to learn programming.. I strongly recommend you to learn some web-based,easy programming languages.. Because No matter which programming Language you learn, It will be or can be used for web applications which is in demand these days..
Here are some basic websites through which you can learn different programming.

These are referred by me keeping in mind that an Average person who is new in CODING and computer programming is reading this post.

Start with HTML.. its very colourful , Lively and very Easy..
Its about designing your Web-Page. You can do it in your computer even without Internet.

Just open a Notepad, write the code and save it as " AnyName.html " (no quotes) Here, .htm or .html is the extension which matters

As soon as you save it, you will find an Internet explorer kind of file, You can open it and see whats all in the

web-page that you have designed... Trust me.. this is a really interesting and colourful language to be known....

:-) Happy??

I learnt HTML from this website.. and I am still thankful to this site.

Most of my friends have learnt it from Which is also a quite Good site to learn.

Then, if you want to learn further (only after you are thorough with HTML), Learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) and JavaScript

From same above mentioned websites..

Every topic is explained beautifully. Use your Common sense..


If at any point you find anything difficult or hard to understand, don't hesitate to ask someone who knows about it.

If you cannot find anyone, feel free to ask ME!! (although you might have to wait for my reply if I am busy) ..

In next post, I will discuss on Which are the Best programming languages you can learn.
#NOTE: Points to be considered before implementing anything from this blog..

  • If you are a newbie to programming, please don't try to learn multiple languages at a time until you realise that you can clearly differentiate between them. Learning multiple languages at a time can mess up your brain and mind and can reduce your confidence .. (My experience!! ) Learn only one at a tine. 
  • Don't spend more than an hour towards learning programming unless you are a professional at this.. Because that hurts your brain a lot since lot of thinking process is involved.. 
  • I am not a MASTER of programming.. So, don't think that what I have said now is Final.. Follow this blog to keep yourself updated on my new concepts and lessons!!  
  • Practice, Practice and Practice... NEVER GIVE UP!!!  

I will be updating this Blog.. So, keep visiting.. Post your Comments in Comments Below. (it really helps!! )

You can visit my blogs if you are interested to know some cool,easy  PC tips an tricks.   and

You may also vist my webite to know some tips about  how I use HTML to design websites...

(forgive me if tere are any spelling mistakes..)  

Take care.. and Happy Learning..... :-)

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